How to make a Google Drive document read-only for a limited period of time

Though passwords have become increasingly necessary to keep people up-to-date on various sites, it is never a good idea to store them online. There are certain practices such as clicking on the “Make this document read-only” button that can avert hackers from gaining access to your account. Therefore when you do need a new password, it is best to make your own as opposed to using one of the millions that can be created within seconds through a simple website.

What is a read only document?

A read-only document is created in Google Drive. What this means is that its content cannot be changed or deleted unless it is set to publicly editable. You can make the document read-only for a specific period of time and after that period, you can restore its functionality. The two types of account in the Google Drive career boost means that the system has invested in enabling your full productivity potential. You will not have any limits to your file storage, document editing ability and sharing abilities. This is accessed through a single general official account for all domains, or by using multiple separate accounts on the same domain. The idea behind this is to allow you to fully contribute towards a business enterprise with as little restrictions and limitations as possible.

Get help with managing shared drives

If you want to ensure that the Mark is exclusively using some documents in his Google drive, then you can make them read-only. By doing so, the Mark will no longer be given access to those documents anymore. You can also only give the Mark read access, which means that he will be able to view your documents but not modify them. In addition, you are free to closely monitor his activities on your Google drive and remove any file from his Google drive if don’t feel like sharing it with him anymore.

Make an Read Only Reading List

Google Drive reading list is the doodle of a failure. They’re half-baked ideas that can’t be made better without the users input. Google employees could easily make some changes to help with Search, but decided not to because this would never be as good as what they are already doing. However, you can still make your own Read-Only Reading List in Google Drive! Here are the steps:Step 1 – To make a Read Only; you need to use this recipe Step 2 – Access Google Drive via PC, Mac,…*2

Check the content of a Google Drive file’s URL

Check the content of a Google Drive file’s URL

Document permissions

Making a Google Drive document read-only for a limited period of time is possible with just a few clicks. Through editing options, you can make the document inaccessible for everyone except yourself. If you need to edit it at anytime in the future but don’t want your co-workers or students to stop using it, deleting the document will make that happen.


There are many ways to make a Google Drive document read-only for a limited period of time. Firstly, you can set the document to private. This ensures that no one can view or change your file while it is read-only. Another way to make it read-only is through Google applications like Gmail and Docs. If you have already made your file private, there are still some other options available such as turning off sync and only allowing users with admission access to collaborate on the document.

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