Google’s Search Intelligence Explained, And What It’s Teaching Us

Have you ever scrolled through some Google search results and noticed that the phrases “World War 3” or “lacrosse player killed” are ranked highly? You might think that these are remarkably popular queries, and that keyword-promotion teams have successfully infiltrated the ranks. However, according to this insightful article, that just isn’t the case! The article points out that when Google’s search results are generated from data gathered from counting the use of keywords on average over 2,185,000 requests per day and running formulas on which items get ranked in terms of popularity, it is actually hard to accurately link events that are likely to happen and those that look probable. For example, past US-China relations have been a featured subtopic nearly incessantly throughout the last several years, making perfect sense since China—and particularly China’s economy—has

What is the Google Search AI?

Google Search’s AI allows its users to type in a question or insight into the search engine, and the software will suggest relevant topics that are similar. Google’s Search Intelligence is a way for computers to learn about bilingualism and make their suggestions more accurate. This type of search is applied to Google’s News category.

Google Excel AI: Uses declarative formula prediction, which consists of understanding the underlying principle behind a formula, and serving that recommendation within milliseconds.

How is the Government related to the Internet? The Department of Defense (DoD) created DARPA in 1958 to provide resources for cutting-edge technology research for both military use and purposeful civilian innovation. The idea was that cutting-edge devices developed through top secret government funding

Gather feedback with the AI

Google constantly reinvents itself to improve the user experience on each website. In the past few years, Google has switched to a two-type feedback theory. They want to give users the best options of their search experience so they are more aware and engaged. Users will be redirected to pages that are relevant to their query as well as more accurate results. This theory soon changed when it began using two types of feedback.

Google has made a lot of changes since the update. According to Google the change will be rolling out more gradually starting later this evening with English users in one region, and expanding over the next week with selected languages and country. The users will see this on their home screen or on mobile apps. However, even though there’s no government order, I think companies should abide by what governments are trying to say as

Helpful, but not how they envisioned results

Search engines are a multi-billion dollar industry. This is because they know how to offer users the best possible results. Recently, Google has been increasing their search base and have introduced multiple new changes that have the potential to affect all searching individuals. Google’s Top Search Trends in 2017

On November 13th, 2017 Google announced all the trending searches of the year. Some of these searches include ‘the knife that kills’, ‘surgeon’s diagram on finger joints’ and many more. Instead of conducting a poll for all these queries, they looked at all the pages with those phrases. Through this data Google determined the top trends found simply by looking at all pages open with those words or

How do people feel about the massive change?

Google released a new algorithm under the name of “Hummingbird” at the beginning of 2013. Advances in technology, including machine learning and deep neural networks, were driving innovation for Google. The idea for the algorithm was to analyze social activities and use that information to predict search results. Companies had been hesitant about changing up their marketing plans, but this algorithm is showing some promising results.

People are concerned about how much personal data Google has access to and whether or not it will impact their privacy because of the way in which this new algorithm’s data works. Like many companies, Clear Ad Technologies makes money through taking user data. This data is then analyzed with the help of Google’s “dark patterns” to provide ad options for different regions. In this case, the personalized ads were very successful in generating revenue. The algorithm was being modified based on how users interacted, however, Google changed how this all worked without renovations taking place on their part. The Hummingbird algorithm does not take into account many of the factors that go into traditional personalized advertising


In conclusion, the article emphasizes how the future will be significantly different and better than one could imagine. Knowledge would become a global currency that arguably everyone had access to. Another important point is how the internet will become more personalized and personal relationship with people who matter to the individual would be commonplace. These advancements are tremendous, inviting great change in how we communicate and live our lives in the future.

Case Study No. 3: The Smart-Farm Concept that has emerged from this era as we can see upcoming changes in agriculture. The world has experienced rapid growth in agriculture over the past several years, with remarkable demand for food around the world putting pressure on both increasing acreage and increased yields. Growth in food demand will continue, particularly in developing nations where more people are joining the workforce than ever before. Both farmers and consumers are seeking ways to make their land

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