Google Calendar Won’t Allow You To Change The Permission Settings

Have you ever tried using Google Calendar on a public wifi network, only to find out that no one but you can see your calendar? If so, there’s a pretty good chance that hundreds of other people are able to access your calendar without your permission. In this article I’ll show you how to change the permission settings on Google Calendar so that it is more secure and helps protect you from any unwanted snoopers.

Why can’t Google Calendar change permissions settings?

As a user, you may encounter occasions when you encounter problems with Google Calendar permissions. For example, you may not be able to change the permissions settings on your calendar. Why?

The answer is that Google Calendar relies on certain permissions for its functionality. Specifically, it needs access to read and write calendar data. However, some users may not want others to have access to this information. This can be problematic if other people who are not supposed to have access to your calendar try to modify it in any way.

How can I change permission settings on a specific event or list?

If you have a Google Calendar account and have assigned permissions to an event or list, you may not be able to change the permissions settings on that event or list. To change the permissions settings for an event, you must delete the event and create a new event. The following example shows how to change the permission settings for an event: In Google Calendar, select the event you want to change permissions for. Click the three lines in the top left corner of the Event window. The “Permissions & Sharing” dialog box opens. In this dialog box, under “Event Properties,” click “Change Permissions.” On the “Permissions” tab, under “Access Rights,” click one of the following: “Public:” This means that all users can view and edit this event.

“Owner:” This means that only this user can edit this event.

“Private:” This means that only this user and people who are authorized by this user can view this event. Select one of the following options: “All Users:” This allows users who don’t have permission to view or edit events to see this event in their calendars.

“People With Permission:” This allows users who have permission to view or edit events to

Why was the Google Calendar feature removed?

Since the launch of Google Calendar, users have had the ability to share their calendars with others. However, on January 15th of this year, Google removed that capability in an update. According to a Google spokesperson, they removed this feature because “it wasn’t clear how people were supposed to use it and there weren’t enough people using it.” Apparently, they got a lot of complaints about people not being able to share their calendars.

Add a post to share how to fix the problem

It is no secret that Google Calendar isn’t always perfect, and sometimes you run into issues that seem impossible to fix. Today, we’re going to show you how to fix an issue where Google Calendar won’t allow you to change the permission settings.\nIf you’re having trouble changing permissions on your calendar, follow these instructions.\n

First, open your Google Calendar and click on the cogwheel in the top left corner of the calendar window. Under “Settings,” click on “Permissions.” You’ll see a list of users with permission to view and edit your calendar. Select the user you want to change permissions for and click on Change Permissions.

Now, under “Accessibility,” you’ll see two options: “Allow Viewers To Edit My Events” and “Allow Editors To Add Appointments.” To change the permission for either of these options, click on the button next to it and select the option you want. Note that changing this permission will not automatically authorize other users who are not listed in the “Viewers” or “Editors” sections of your permissions list. They will need to contact you directly to request access to your calendar.


If you’re having trouble allowing other people to access or change your Google Calendar settings, there’s a good chance that you’ve inadvertently set your permission settings to “private.” Here’s how to change the permission settings on your behalf:

– Open the Google Calendar app.

– Tap the three lines in the upper right corner.

– Under “Available settings,” tap “Permissions.”

– Tap the pencil icon next to the name of the person or group you want to allow access.

– Tap Save at the bottom of the screen.

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