Google Calendar Tips And Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

We all know that Google Calendar is a very functional tool – one that allows you to store and organize appointments, meetings, deadlines, and other events for you or your team’s future reference. But did you know that there are plenty of hidden gems buried in Google Calendar’s settings? In this article, learn more about these must-know tips and tricks: 1. Send a reminder email to your Google Calendar events before time runs out

The first thing you need to do is go into the settings of your Google account and add an email with your Gmail address: To do that, follow these steps

Go to gmail .com

Select “Settings” from the upper right corner. Once you’re on the settings page, scroll down all the way till you get to “My Account” section. From there, find Settings

Copying Reminders Between Devices

Google Calendar has a cool Reminder feature that provides you with notifications on your phone, email inbox or both when an important event is looming. If you are like me and share calendars between devices (or family members), you may have found it tricky to copy reminders from one device to the other. Thankfully there is the Tools menu where users can import and export events and reminders on a per event basis. This would be useful for example when you are scheduling a meeting with someone on your laptop and want that reminder on your smartphone. The Tools menu allows you to copy the event from one calendar to another, which will then use the same Reminders. It’s also handy if you have an iOS or Windows phone (which have limited Google Calendar functionality) where you can copy reminders over to the smartphones quickly.

Use Tasks To Track Babysitting Or Errands For Yourse

Finding Your Unclosed (and Unmarked) Events

If you’re looking to find unclosed (and unmarked) events, click the upper-right three dots to open the menu, click “Your calendar”, and then click “Uncluttered”. This will show all of your closed events. You can also use this same menu to find unopened event invitations that were sent to you without your reply

Creating a Spreadsheet of the Day of the Week You Wrote Projects On

The best way to make sure that you’re not forgetting a project on a certain day is to take 30 minutes and create a spreadsheet of the entire month with days listed alphabetically then go down the list, Day 1 through Day 30, and add in all your project deadlines. By knowing what you have due when and being able to plug it into your calendars, you’ll never miss your important dates ever again

Turning Your Blog Posts into Plugins for Social Media or Ebook Readers

When you post a blog post on your website, you can use the “Tuesday Link Up” plugin for social media to integrate the post into your Facebook and Twitter feed. Or, when you publish an e-book, you can embed that post using another plugin from FeedBurner called Google Ebook Plugin. This will ensure that every reader sees your most up-to-date content in their ebook reader of choice

Combining Tables in Google Docs More Easily

Did you know that you can use Google Docs as a spreadsheet? If you type in “=TABLE(data,” and then provide the data, then anything in quotes will be separated into rows. You will need to provide a comma for each column.

To create columns of information- and rows create text boxes, do the following:

1. Select all the cells you want to have in the table before adding the table feature

2. Press Ctrl-L to start an insert table dialogue box

3. Make sure your table has 1 row and any number of columns

4. Then enter the text you want linked into each cell

5. Create headings by typing first, second, third followed by a heading label

6. Proceed filling in as usual with more columns or rows

Creating School Calendars For Multiple Subjects

People don’t change their lives for little things, but if you’ve been considering getting more organized and productive with your life, a good first step would be to set up school calendars. Google Calendar has this feature that lets you create one calendar where all subject-specific classes are scheduled, so it’s much easier to keep track of which subscription is when which subject.

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