Google Calendar Just Got A Lot Cooler: Here’s What You Need To Know!

Google Calendar releases its newest update with new RSVP capabilities, making it easy to say “yes” or “no” when an event organizer offers you a virtual ticket to their meeting. Now you don’t have to fear missing out on not joining in on all of the work-related goings-on because of time constraints. Read this article for more details about this latest feature! Read more The post Google Calendar’s new RSVP capabilities will make your virtual inbox far less stressful …

Google Calendar just became smart enough to know when you don’t want a repeat of the previous year. Do you remember all of the reasons why you started keeping a calendar in the first place? Well, it’s time to start scheduling in some down time again because 2017 is chock full of date specific holidays just waiting for your input. Read this article for more details about this latest

What new updates is Google Calendar rolling out?

Google calendar is rolling out a few new updates. The most important update is the integration of location-sharing. This means that you can share the location in the calendar automatically with your coworkers and friends without having to type it in. You’ll also notice it takes less time when entering events because there are smart suggestions on what to enter. Recurring events will also be easier to do now thanks to Google calendar’s new visual design, which makes it easier for users to quickly scroll through their calendars.

What can other people RSVP to my event now?

Recently, Google Calendar unveiled a new and improved feature that can make event hosting more compelling for event attendees.

Useful for both event hosters and planners, the new RSVP comments section enables people to respond with either “yes,” “no,” “maybe.” Event hosts gain a heads-up on who may need a reminder before the event day (along with those not planning to attend). Event planners get automatically scheduled reminders about complimentary details like tables, tents, decor, etc.

How to RSVP to someone else’s event

When you see an event on Google Calendar, the default view is listings of attendees. If you look to the right, there’s a button that says “RSVP.” Once clicked, it sends out a text to all of the other attendees letting them know who’s coming. Yes, it’s a handy addition that makes it easier to figure out if those “maybe” RSVPs have committed.

What do I need to know before I make an RSVP?

Once you’re on the party page, click “make an RSVP” and click on the number of other people attending. From there, Google Calendar will automatically calculate your responses up to the space available. You can also add comments to your responses.

Can I show up late? No, RSVPs are binding so that we know how much space to save for the event. Be sure to get there on time!

Can I switch my response if I can no longer attend? Yes, until two days before the start of the event and at least four hours prior to the check-in deadline. If you need help changing your RSVP or have any questions about your registration for an

How can I find the invitation that someone sent me?

Click on the Invitations link at the top of your Google calendar, and then click on See More. You’ll see a list of all your invitations, including those you’ve accepted or rejected. If you need more information about an invitation, click on it and you’ll see when it expires and where it’s being held. I deleted something from my inbox by mistake. How do I get it back?. If that item was a meeting invite, you should be able to re-invite the people who were invited to the original event you deleted by clicking on Invitations and then choosing Re-invite people for an existing event. In general, however, once you’ve deleted an item from Google Calendar, you can’t get it back. Better make sure your delete button is working right!

My application stopped syncing with Google Calendar.

I was receiving pink Google Calendar invites for events that I couldn’t see on my Gmail calendar or mobile application. I contacted Google support, who told me that by turning off the Mobile Exchange app on my phone and then signing in to on a web browser I’d be able to access my missed events. It didn’t work at first, but after uninstalling the Mobile Exchange app from my phone and disabling communication between my phone and Google directly in the settings, I’m back up and running! So, if you’re running into issues after migrating to the cloud, this might be a fix.


In conclusion, it’s important to use Google Calendar as much as you can! People that are unfamiliar with it may not be able to fully enjoy all of the features, but give everything a try! You’ll soon see what’s possible. true

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