Can Google Slides Read Your Text To You?

It seems like every day, a new software or app is hitting the market that lets you do everything you ever wanted, while making your time spent on your device as efficient and productive as possible. Today’s software market offers us many choices, but necessarily comes with a trade-off: convenience or investment. In this article, we will discuss whether “convenience over innovation” is worth sacrificing in order to save time and leaves more time for accomplishing other tasks.

Google Slides Read Aloud Feature

Google Slides has added a new feature that allows users to have their slides read aloud. This can be useful for people who have a hard time reading or who are blind. The feature is found under the “Speech” tab of the slide layout. Users input the text they want to be read and Google Slides will do its best to provide an accurate pronunciation.

Things to consider before using this feature

Google Slides is a great tool for sharing presentations with others, but before you can use it, you need to be aware of some things to consider.

Setup, Posting, Uploading Screenshots

If you’re planning on updating or creating slideshows with Google Slides, keep these tips in mind:

1. First, make sure your text is placed in the right spot. Slides take up a lot of space, so be sure to place your text near the top or bottom of the slide. You can also leave some white space around the edge of the slide to give it a cleaner look.

2. If you want viewers to be able to control what they see onscreen, always include captions and thumbnails for each slide. You can also include video content by including an embed code.

3. Finally, be sure to upload your slideshows to Google Drive so people can access them offline or share them with other people.

Other things to consider when using it

Google Slides can be a powerful tool for presentations, but there are a few things to keep in mind when using it. For example, you might want to make sure your text is easy to read on the smaller slides sizes. Another thing to note is that Slides will not read aloud the text in your document – you’ll need to use a transcript or Voce services for that.

Other Features to Consider in Google Slides

If you are like most people, you use Google Slides to share your ideas with others. But what if you could have your slides read to you? This is now possible with the addition of new voice commands.

To enable this feature, first make sure that your device has the latest version of Google Slides installed. Once installed, open the app and click on the “Voice Commands” tab. Then enter the following command: “read text to me.” If you want, you can also specify a time delay before the text begins reading.

More tips on using the read aloud feature

When you use the read aloud feature in Google Slides, it can be helpful to position yourself so that your audience can easily see your text. Here are a few tips to help make sure that happens:

First, make sure that the slides fit on your screen. If they don’t, you might have to scroll down to see everything.

Second, adjust the font size and line spacing on your slides so that they’re easy to read. You can also change the text color if you want.

And lastly, use headings and subheadings to break up your text into smaller chunks that are easier for people to follow.


Google Slides can read your text to you, but there are a few precautions you need to take to ensure that this feature works correctly. For example, make sure your slides are properly formatted and that the text is legible. Additionally, be sure to use subtitle fonts that are comfortable to read, and refrain from using all capitals in your text.

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