Best GIFs From Our Google Chat Calls

Let’s be honest, it can be hard to have a conversation with someone if you’re in different countries, surrounded by line noise, or speaking at slightly different perceived speeds. One study found that long-distance relationships are more than three times as likely to end within one year than short-distance ones. Fortunately, there might be a solution that could make experiences like these easier for you and your loved one: videos (GIFs) of people going about their day. Google recently introduced Giphy into their instant messenger which makes miles more convenient!

What is Google Chat?

Google Chat is a chat application that allows people to communicate with each other by exchanging messages. Messages are sent and received over the internet, so you can talk to your friends and family even when you’re not near them. Google Chat is available on both Android and iOS devices, and it’s free to use. You can sign in to Google Chat with your existing Google account or create a new account.

The best GIFs from our Google Chat calls are hilariously relatable and provide good laughs. Whether it’s us trying to decipher our teenage daughters’ text messages or us misinterpreting something our husbands say, these GIFs will make you laugh out loud!

Are you familiar with Google Chat? If not, be sure to check it out! Our GIFs are sure to provide some laughs during your next conversation.

The Advantages of Google Chat

When you need to communicate with someone quickly and easily, there’s no better tool than Google Chat. Here are some of the advantages of using this messaging platform:

– Immediate messaging: You can send and receive messages right away, without waiting for a reply.

– Easily seamless communication: Google Chat seamlessly integrates with your other online accounts, so you can keep up with your conversations in multiple places.

– Compatibility: Google Chat is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, so you can use it anywhere.

Set Up a Google Chat Client

Looking for some fun Google Chat GIFs to share with your friends? Check out our favorite GIFs from recent chats! Whether you were laughing out loud or just caught a funny moment, we’ve got you covered. And no need to look any further – these are the best GIFs from our Google Chat calls.

How To Send A Gif From Gmail

If you’re on Gmail and you want to send a gif, here’s how:

1. Open your Gmail account.

2. Click on the ‘Gmail’ button at the top right of the screen.

3. Under the “Inbox” heading, find the conversation you want to send a GIF from and click on it.

4. Under the “Primary Messages” heading, click on “Attach a File”.

5. Choose a file to attach and open it in Google Drive or another online editor.

6. Find the “GIF” tab and insert your gif file into the appropriate field.

7. Click on “Attach” to send your GIF!

Some Useful Tips On Sending Gifs In chat

There is no doubt that GIFs are one of the most popular forms of online communication. They are easy to share and can be hilarious or poignant, depending on the situation. Whether you are sending a simple “lol” or trying to capture a moment in time, GIFs can add an extra layer of comedy or emotion to your message. Here are some tips on how to send the perfect GIF in chat:

-Choose the right GIF: Not all GIFs work well in chat. This is largely due to the short attention span of users, who often have to scroll down quickly in order to see the entire message. The size and looping style of a GIF also play a role in its effectiveness. It is best to choose a small, concise GIF that will fit within a message without taking up too much space.

-Consider timing: Creating a funny or emotional GIF requires careful planning. For example, a gif that shows someone falling down might not work as well if it is sent immediately after they make an embarrassing mistake. In general, it’s best to wait a few minutes after the conversation has ended before sending your GIFs in order to avoid disrupting the flow of conversations.


Best GIFs from our Google Chat calls! Our team’s favorite moments were when a discussion drifted off course and turned into a hilarious meme exchange or when someone couldn’t resist poking fun at themselves. Enjoy our favorite GIFs from our Google Chat calls!

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