
Gmail on the web now lets you pin Google Chat conversations

FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInReddit In the integrated Gmail experience available to Workspace customers, classic Hangouts has already been swapped out. Google Chat is in its place, with conversations...

New Gmail setting controls whether emails are used to ‘personalize’ your Google apps

FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInReddit Earlier this year, Google announced that it would default to auto-deleting location and search data. Building on that, the company is introducing two settings...

Google Docs adding more Word features as Gmail gets streamlined Office attachment editing

FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInReddit Google is rolling out new features across Docs and other Workspace apps to increase interoperability with Word and the Microsoft Office suite. It comes...

Google Chat web redesign rolls out for free accounts, now part of Gmail

FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInReddit Last week, we spotted how the Google Chat website was getting some tweaks and Hangouts-style chat windows. This redesign of Google Chat is now...

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